iMovo announces new partnership with Planday
iMovo, today announced its partnership with Planday, the online platform that helps businesses manage the logistics of their staff. With Planday, shift-based companies can easily create and share a schedule, communicate with employees, and handle HR processes.
Three reasons why the human touch still matters to customers
In the digital era, convenience, speed and accuracy are kings. Today’s customers don't have to call you in the middle of the night to know more about your product. All they have to do is access your website and collect the information for themselves. At the end of the day, we are still human and automation or digital platforms can never replace that completely. In fact, here are some reasons why businesses still need to incorporate the human touch in the way they serve customers.
BI Analytic Tools Help Business Organisations
Business organisations have been collecting customer data since time immemorial; whether on clay tablets, papyrus and subsequently paper. With the advent of computerisation most business organisations found themselves maintaining electronic systems designed and built to store and accumulate ever-growing amounts of raw customer data. Due to the way computer applications were then designed, it was not always easy to aggregate different systems, and the data they respectively stored, in an attempt to construct a single, unified, view of the customer.
Business Discovery – Business Intelligence Made Relevant
Business Intelligence has been evolving , like many other areas of technology, new entrants are challenging the status quo and have been fuelling a new paradigm in the way BI is used and deployed in ever smaller organisations...
How does BI (Business Intelligence) impact your business?
Business intelligence (BI) refers to the technical and procedural…
iMovo Announces New Partnership with Snowflake
We are proud to announce that we have partnered up with Snowflake. Snowflake is a fully managed service with a pay-as-you-go-model that works on structured and semi-structured data. Its unique architecture delivers proven breakthroughs in performance, concurrency and simplicity. For the first time, multiple groups can access millions of gigabytes of data at the same time, up to 200 times faster and 10 times less expensive than traditional data warehouse solutions.
Transforming the Aviation Industry through Business Intelligence
The aviation industry has the potential to become the most powerful business globally, provided it takes the required measures. With increasing demand comes the indispensable responsibility to quickly rise above the standards of other prominent sectors.
Common Reasons Why Big Data Projects Fail
Data scientists believe that big data is the next big thing. Big data promises to solve customer service conundrums that have been perplexing businesses for decades. Many businesses are already using it to improve their customer service.
The Impact of Big Data in Healthcare
Big data is already being leveraged in the Healthcare industry. Here are ways how its already benefiting the industry, and the latest trends to keep an eye on.
How to boost your business with Data Literacy
We’ve all heard that data has increased, mainly due to the advancement, availability and high usage of technology. Being able to access and understand as much of this data as possible, already indicates the value that someone, or a business, can get out of it. Nowadays, there are a lot of tools available to analyse data, most of which offer Artificial or Cognitive Intelligence to help even further by automating part of the data analysis.
Beginner’s Guide to Big Data
What is Big Data? What differentiates it from any other data? In reality, the answer is as simple as pure volume. Big Data is a self-explanatory term. What sets it apart from other data are the methods which we use to analyse it. Smaller scale data can be analysed using some functions and perhaps even by hand, but the larger your data the more difficult it will become to do that. We require specific tools and methodologies both to properly store the data as well as to get the most value out of it.
Time to automate your workflows: Tableau releases the Data Management Add-on
Tableau has released its latest version of its software – Tableau 2019.1. This release is the biggest one yet and it has a slew of new and exciting features. One of the most anticipated features is ‘Ask Data’ where you can use naturally written language to ask your data questions, without needing prior knowledge on how to build a visualisation yourself.
How retailers can convert big data into smart data
The internet has allowed retailers today to collect as much data as possible. Coupled with the beneficial systems such as cloud services, retailers can also store this data on a system that is virtually infinite. Plus, they even have the computing power now to actually process this data.
Top Benefits of Machine Learning for Business
Machine Learning (ML) refers to a process of data analysis that leverages complex algorithms to acquire insights. In simpler words, it’s a piece of technology that helps you break down data and find hidden information that can help you identify patterns and make predictions. Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence.