iMovo’s Viewpoint on Recent Developments within the iGaming Sector
As a company specializing in Customer Service Management (CSM), iMovo has worked closely with many companies operating within the Gaming sector. Regretfully, we observe recent events within the sector, particularly the lay-off of staff by a number of companies, some of which we have worked quite closely with over the past years.
The recent changes, possibly triggered off by a combination of changes in regulation, cost-cutting and stock & revenue performance, are bringing about changes in the sector which may also impact customer service teams in these companies. We would like to express our support for our colleagues in the affected companies and hope that the services and solutions we provide will help gaming firms to come out of this difficult period, even stronger.
The difficulties affecting the gaming sector are worrying from a macro-economic perspective. We would like to state that we have solutions such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Workforce Management to help them and are ready to help them continue to optimise the solutions they already have, whether its Zendesk, Salesforce or analytics & data infrastructure solutions like Tableau, Qlik, Talend or Snowflake.
Cutting People Is Not Only About Cost.
When people are laid off, companies lose a strong component of their institutional memory and ethos. Negative press also damages the brand.
One may question why a technology solutions company that works in the sector may be putting this viewpoint forward, when for all intents and purposes it could form part of some companies’ cost-cutting strategy.
People are the most valuable asset of a business. Even in a digital world, they are the closest to the customer and often quickly recognise whenever issues across the customer journey occur. Before taking a decision to let people go, companies need to ensure that by downsizing they are not negatively impacting upon the customer experience, since this will inevitably lead to a loss of outright customers. Paradoxically investing in customer experience, even in a downturn, should be a key component of the company’s growth strategy.
We want to assure our customers we are here to help and assist. Our platforms have a lot to offer and we want to help you optimize and get the maximum you can out of our solution.
Pierre Mallia
Managing Director – iMovo Limited